Seeking Help How can my operator charge me more than trai's implemented tarrif?

The Lonelier Island

23 Aug 2018
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I am a Assam Cable Communication user which a partner network of SITI Cable. Last night they uploaded the new prices on EPG. I was shocked to see them charging Rs. 25 for Disney International HD. If I am not wrong the maximum amount a channel can charge now is Rs. 19. How can they charge me Rs. 25? On visiting Disney's Rio site. I see several different princing. The latest price being Rs. 15.
EDIT - I can confirm it's the new pricing as older prices use to be on the EPG. Not along with the channels name.
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That Will Be In Effective From 29th December Bro
Trai should take bold decisions like cancel license of some mso's and dth's then only others will follow the rules. Last 10 years trai trying to implement Ala carte packages, still creating adverse impact by private companies.
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