Dish Tv Fraud DTH

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12 Aug 2011
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Dish TV Packages Have Been Updated....

CON:: ESPN, STARSports and STARCricket Dropped From Highest Pack Platinum and Now Available Through ADD-On... Sports World and Sports Fiesta

PRO:: NEOCricket and NEOSports, Along With TENCricket In PLATINUM Pack..
RE: Can someone rectify this?

Useless DISH TV... One More Proof, Received This On Mail...

RE: Can someone rectify this?

dish tv bis a biggest fraud dth company and thats the truth. whenever i say that some people call me by names but truth is truth , in another forum i hgot banned just for this reason that i speak the truth and some hardcore dish tv loonies were not able to hear the truth and they abused power and permanently banned me. but realityy is no matter how much u try to supress truth, it will come out even louders. and regarding dish tv, customers should kick out their services, only thing dish tv knows is looting money and fooling people
RE: Can someone rectify this?

Very Sad ! Bad action By dishtv Before Match !
*Terms & Condition
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Mr. Dino We Know The FATE For Which DTH You Support...

I Am DISH TV Fanatic, But Me Too Losing Heart and Faith... Its Nothing That You Should Go GA GA... Criticize But Dont Over Do It...
RE: Can someone rectify this?

^^ I agree. And I am not gonna subscribe another extra addon, when I already have the costliest Base pack.
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namo narayan said:
dish tv bis a biggest fraud dth company and thats the truth. whenever i say that some people call me by names but truth is truth , in another forum i hgot banned just for this reason that i speak the truth and some hardcore dish tv loonies were not able to hear the truth and they abused power and permanently banned me. but realityy is no matter how much u try to supress truth, it will come out even louders. and regarding dish tv, customers should kick out their services, only thing dish tv knows is looting money and fooling people

finally i am agree with u brother.really a cheater and fraud company.i am using dishtv last 7 it is time to leave that type of dth who only knows to loot the customers.for a single channels we have to wait long time.why we will wait.all other dth r adding new channels at the day of its launch then why not dishtv???now i have two options tatasky and d2h.
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Yes... Dont Subscribe... They Will and MUST Bring Back ESS Channels In Platinum Pack...

I Must Say, I Guessed This Was Coming.. When They Asked To Recharge Platinum Pack With 50% Off...
RE: Can someone rectify this?

Amar-gama bro,
don't go with tata sky you can check tata sky section what tata sky doing now a doing,recently they are going to remove utv world movies+amrita tv and one dd channel,also too high opinion go with adtv or d2h is best way.
RE: Can someone rectify this?

well thank god that u agree now, i always knew what evil intentions dish tv has but no one listenes and instead passed comments against me. i never speak without a reason
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