Star Sports expands regional juggernaut with launch of Star Sports 1 Marathi.
Den Network Q1 FY19-20 consolidted revenue, subscription and EBIDTA increase as compared to last quarter.
Dish TV withdraws case against Sony's RIO in TDSAT. The DTH provider had challenged it on the basis of non-discrimination.
Dish TV credit ratings upgraded by Care. CARE Ratings Limited has revised the rating for the banking facilities of the...
GTPL Hathway total revenue up by 12 â„… in Q1 FY 19-20. Subscription revenue increases along with pay channel cost.
ZEEL CFO Rohit Gupta spoke on a range of issues including FY 19 performance, TRAI tariff order implications, new business...
Zee Media's credit ratings downgraded by Care Ratings citing the removal of support of Essel group.
M Ravindran and R Vijayalakshmi through open market purchases have increased their equity shareholding in Raj TV.