New Google Search functionality added on forum


Editor-in-Chief, DreamDTH News
Staff member
1 Feb 2019
Reaction score
Hello DDFians,

A new Google search option has been added on the forum that is more flexible than regular search and will show results even when search term does not match completely helping in locating posts or threads that might not appear in regular search results.


To use the feature click on the search icon on the header and 'G' icon will appear beside the regular search. A separate tab for that is also added in advanced search. To make searching even easier when the regular search fails to find anything, Google search will be performed automatically.



The Google search will show results from both sites DreamDTH and OnlyTech. Using it you can also find pictures posted on the forum by tapping on 'images' after searching.
Excellent development. Many times I want to search in order of date or using a particular keyword, but that was very difficult using the existing forum search. Adding Google Search integration is very convenient and allows using wildcards and exact phrases using double quotes ("like this").
Great Move!

Going To Be More Useful!
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