Yes but with different owner, content might also change as well and quality too, hungama is the home of shinchan, specially old dubbing, if ETV buys it but starts showing their own shows then it will lose its identity.
Yes but with different owner, content might also change as well and quality too, hungama is the home of shinchan, specially old dubbing, if ETV buys it but starts showing their own shows then it will lose its identity.
I am sure it will collapse soon because they are telecasting no new contents and 24x7 repeating old seasons. Even Rodies TRP went down drastically after Ragu Ram left the show
I am sure it will collapse soon because they are telecasting no new contents and 24x7 repeating old seasons. Even Rodies TRP went down drastically after Ragu Ram left the show
Yes Roadies during Raghu and Rajiv time was absolutely excellent, it had soul but now it is not even 10% of what it was, although I still watch it becoz I still think it is much better than other reality shows as there is no voting involved so it is more transparent, MTV can show the latest episodes of these shows but rest of the time they should show only music hindi, punjabi, rap, english all songs should be covered
8xm is doing this in pakistan, on a single channel they are showing english, hindi, urdu, punjabi, rap everything.
I am sure it will collapse soon because they are telecasting no new contents and 24x7 repeating old seasons. Even Rodies TRP went down drastically after Ragu Ram left the show