Channel updates from ST 2 (Videocon D2H) TPs using USB DVBS/S2 Card

* Updated *
1) Nameless 11050_10 () 11050, H, 30000 8PSK Type(FTA=>Scrambled)Number of ECM pids(0=>2)
2) Nameless 11050_17 () 11050, H, 30000 8PSK Type(FTA=>Scrambled)Number of ECM pids(0=>2)

* Lost *
1) Nameless 11673_26 () 11673, H, 45000 8PSK Reserved

* Updated *
1) Nameless 11483_6 () 11483, H, 45000 8PSK Type(FTA=>Scrambled)Number of ECM pids(0=>2)

* New *
1) UDAYA HD (BBCL) 11050, H, 30000 8PSK 84% -
2) SURYA COMEDY (BBCL) 11050, H, 30000 8PSK 84% -
3) SURYA HD (BBCL) 11483, H, 44995 8PSK 75% -
4) ETV HD (BBCL) 11483, H, 44995 8PSK 75% -

* Lost *
1) total TV (BBCL) 11672, H, 44995 8PSK -
* New *
1) LORD BUDDHA tv (BBCL) 11672, H, 44995 8PSK 57% -

* Updated *
1) mubu TV (BBCL) 11672, H, 44995 8PSK Channel Name("Test Signal"=>"mubu TV")
* Updated *
1) HW_05_DLID_34 (BBCL) 11050, V, 30000 8PSK PCR(8191=>0)
2) HW _6_SW_14 (BBCL) 11609, V, 43978 8PSK PCR(8191=>0)
3) HW_9_DID_10 (BBCL) 11609, V, 43978 8PSK PCR(8191=>0)
4) HW _7_DLID_48 (BBCL) 11609, V, 43978 8PSK PCR(8191=>0)
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