Actually Ramayan is not mentioned in their promo running on Doordarshan Channels. Also, as of my knowledge Ramayan rights are with Ramanand Sagar's Daughter In-law, when Prasar Bharati contact her and offer her 60K per episode. She sacrifice the offer and handover it to them for free to telecast during this COVID19.
Note : This information is shared by one of my friend whose father work for Doordarshan Kendra Jaipur.
It's a very good time for prasar bharati to launch new channels. As of now it is time of Lockdown. None of any general people can't go out of the house. So, Government TV network Prasar Bharati re-telecasting Mahabharat, Ramayana, Shaktiman etc. etc.
They now also can launch Some new channels for music lovers, Movies lovers & for kids.
After Sun Direct, Airtel has added DD Retro. Currently Tata Sky is left to add it. I think d2h as well because unlike Dish TV, d2h cannot access DDFD signals. Correct me if wrong.
After Sun Direct, Airtel has added DD Retro. Currently Tata Sky is left to add it. I think d2h as well because unlike Dish TV, d2h cannot access DDFD signals. Correct me if wrong.