"Independence day" special recharge Offers,
If you recharge for 6months then 21days Free (previously 15days free)
If you recharge for 12months then 42 days free (previously 30days free)
DishTV and d2h both still run on different parameters? Even after they are from same parent company?
If they merge completely no one can match d2h service they are so much active on SocialMedia. There picture quality is very much good as compared to DishTV.
Both the brand dish and d2h are operated by Dishtv with same parameters,from same infrastructure, with same backend team,common broadcastin platform for both brands dish and d2h through two headends Ses8 & ST2 , set top boxes manufactured for d2h brand are Dishtv's property and onfront are taken care from here..
Regardin picture,well dishtv has deployed Mediakind's AVP 4000 video processin platform in 2018 and both brands are operated from same platform..
"Independence day" special recharge Offers,
If you recharge for 6months then 21days Free (previously 15days free)
If you recharge for 12months then 42 days free (previously 30days free)