Tata Sky has launched a unique service through which subscribers can save subscription fees while going on their annual vacation. The Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday Offer allows subscribers to being able to disconnect their Tata Sky services for a minimum period of 5 days to a maximum period of 90 days.
Terms and Conditions:
Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday Offer (“Offer”) : Limited period of 5-90 days in a year during which Tata Sky subscriber (“You”) will not be charged the Subscription Fee and the Service of the Tata Sky subscriber will remain in deactivate state.
Tata Sky subscribers availing of the Offer shall be bound by the following terms and conditions:
Active account status” means a positive account balance in your Subscriber Account.
“Valid request” means request placed by you to avail of the Offer by calling the Helpline Terms used herein but not defined shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Subscription Contract signed between you and Tata Sky.
The Offer is open ONLY to Tata Sky subscribers with an Active account status at the time of availing the Offer. Tata Sky reserves the right, at any time, to verify eligibility requirements, in any manner deemed appropriate. Only a Valid request will be eligible to avail of the Offer.
Standard Terms
You can avail of the Offer only once every 12 months for a minimum of 5 days to a maximum period of 90days with the start & end dates specifically stated by You. In case the end date has not been specified by You, the Service will resume automatically after 90 days.
If You have subscribed to a Long Duration Base pack, the status whereof is active, You shall still be able to avail of the Offer. Moreover, the expiry date of your Long Duration Base pack shall get extended automatically for the same number of days for which you have temporarily suspended your activation under this offer .
You can avail of the Offer only by calling the Helpline.
On completion of the 5-90 days, Your Service shall automatically resume.
You can avail of the Offer but subsequently You can make a request that the Service be resumed before the expiry of the 5-90 day period.
Frequently Asked Questions on Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday Offer
1. What is the Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday Offer?
The Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday Offer allows subscribers to being able to disconnect their Tata Sky services for a minimum period of 5 days to a maximum period of 90 days.
2. So how does it work?
If you are planning to take a vacation for more than 5 days, simply call the helpline & request for the ‘Once in 365 Days Subscription Holiday’ offer. The helpline will take down your request & also confirm the period you would want to avail of this offer. During this period, not exceeding 90 days, your Tata Sky services will be disconnected, but your account balance will be secure.The services will resume automatically on the date specified by you at the time of making your request or within 90 days; whichever is earlier.
3. What if I avail of this but return within 7 days?
If you had mentioned the exact date at the time of making a request for this service, the services will automatically resume on the date stated by you or 90 days whichever is earlier. However if you are back from your vacation earlier than expected, simply call the helpline & we would be happy to help you resume your services right away.
4.I am an annual pack subscriber? I have paid the subscription for the entire year & have no account balance. How does this work for me?
You could definitely use this service even if you have subscribed to any of our long duration packs. Your long duration period will be extended by the number of days you have utilised this service so that you get a complete 365 days of viewing.
5. What happens to my MultiTV connection connection?
On availing of this service all your Tata Sky digicomps will be disconne