GSAT-16 to launch in December
MUMBAI: The Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) has decided to
launch two satellites by next year.
GSAT-16 was scheduled to launch by
mid 2015, but a new announcement
from the ISRO states that it will be
launched by December 2014 itself.
The 3100 kg aircraft will be lifted into
space six months earlier on a
European Ariane 5 launcher. The
decision for advancement was taken
due to the expiration of INSAT 3E
that expired earlier this year and was
to be replaced by GSAT-16. A
tentative launch date is 6 December.
GSAT-16 will have 24 transponders in
the C-band, 12 in the extended C-
band and 12 in the Ku band to
support public and private television
and radio services, internet and
telephone operations
The government had approved Rs 865
crore to build this satellite including
fee for foreign launch and insurance
that constitute Rs 628 crore.
The satellite will be positioned at 55
degree east.
GSAT-16 to launch in December 2015 | Indian Television Dot Com