Free version had amazing shows. Even news had credibility. Hate that it got discountinued. Meanwhile why was the premium priced ₹100 at hotels and ₹1800 for homes. It made no sense.
Is this new NTO 2.0 RIO ? Pre NTO alacarte rates were purposefully kept high by broadcasters.
DPO Pack bundling broadcaster bouquet discount / incentive of 15% has been done away with in NTO 2.0
Eg. Jaya TV NTO 2.0 RIO mentioning LCN incentive 15% Rs.1.20 for bouquet promotion is not as per NTO 2
New rule removing Incentive / Discount for bouquet promotion
Broadcasters shall not be permitted to give any discount for adoption of bouquets to DPOs in 15%
category as permitted in Interconnection Regulations 2017. This will pave way for the
DPOs to play a neutral facilitator’s role to ensure that consumers get real choice to choose
channels, either on a-la-carte-basis or on bouquet basis. The requisite modification to this
affect will be carried out in relevant interconnection regulations. Discount of 15% as
incentive will continue to be available to DPOs for a-la-carte channels.