airtel dth and tatsky are giving lot of tamil channels.they are competitive giving tamil channels are who is giving more tamil channels.but sundirect is reduced tamil channels and not introduce new tamil friends...kindly my advice is avoid sundirect.choose any other best dth.
Is it ? You are here to transform sun dth subscribers to other dth ? How is it cheating bro ? Did they promise us in writing that they will give Mega TV for lifetime ? The English meaning of cheating is when somebody promises you something and he does not get fulfilled. Can you tell me what promise sun failed to fulfill ? If they have space constraint what can they do ?
Defaming with proper reason is okay. But unnecessarily defaming a service without any reason is not acceptable. Who you are to force once to change to other dth. Better to change yours and stay happy whichever dth fanboy you are of AHIJA!
Seems you had a bad, very bad experience with SD that you are unable to forget.