tamil and telugu is indias next big market for medio resource.tamil channels count is top on regional channels(70+ channels),tamil indivudually got 10 music channels in regional languages south india only got the separate comedy channels.south people cant live without cinema.
If every channel has to get language feeds, why need different channels?
It would help broadcasters in a lot of ways. They can add language feeds on every Hindi channels.
If every channel has to get language feeds, why need different channels?
It would help broadcasters in a lot of ways. They can add language feeds on every Hindi channels.
that is the reason we want digitization,after digitization any broadcaster don't want a new channel for specific region(if they want more ads(money) from a specific region then they may star separate channel).
I dont knw...another Eng. Movie Channel...??huh
I wonder how they r gonna do??
I dont want it to be Next Movies OK
Bunch of Zee bouquet of zee Premier, Zee Action, etc...
of course in Eng. Category..lol