Right..12523 TP is very tricky and a bit low signals... even i am getting low signals at a time.. that maybe bcoz my setting is very old.. i didnt touch since i aligned...
Now I fine tuned and got all ABS TPs including the low signal TP too. It is giving 3dB signal as earlier. 12227 H is at 11.1 dB which is the most stronger signal for me in side LNB.
Side LNB to tata sky.. It is my original setup. The screws got loosen while trying to adjust for 78.5. So, I again tightened them with proper placement and got the signals..
It should be from 78.5 only. When I adjust 75e LNB a little bit, I can easily get 76.5. But I am getting this TP only if I am moving the LNB for more distance and close to center LNB (83e). So, it should be from 78.5 only.