PSLV-C16/ RESOURCESAT2 Launch on April 20 2011

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25 Mar 2011
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Preparations for the launch of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) carrying RESOURCESAT-2 satellite are progressing well at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. In this mission, PSLV-C16 will launch RESOURCESAT-2, YOUTHSAT and X-SAT satellites.


pslv-c16RESOURCESAT-2 built by ISRO - the primary satellite is an advanced remote sensing satellite weighing 1206 kg for facilitating the study and management of natural resources. YOUTHSAT weighing 92 kg is a joint Indo-Russian satellite for stellar and atmospheric studies. X-SAT weighing 105 kg is a microsatellite for imaging applications built by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Integration of all the three satellites to the launcher has been successfully accomplished. After successful completion of final phase of vehicle checkout operations, pre-launch and launch rehearsal procedures will be carried out.

The Launch Authorisation Board scheduled to meet on April 16, 2011 will review the readiness of the launch vehicle, satellites and ground stations and authorise the launch of PSLV-C16/RESOURCESAT-2 Mission. The countdown is expected to begin in the early hours of April 18, 2011. The launch of PSLV-C16 is tentatively scheduled on April 20, 2011 at 10:12 Hrs (IST).
PSLV-C16 launch on Wednesday AT 10.12 AM

The PSLV-C16 on its launch pad in Sriharikota.

CHENNAI: The stage has been set for the launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) from the first launch pad at Sriharikota on April 20 at 10.12 a.m. The PSLV-C16 will put in orbit three satellites — India's Resourcesat-2, an Indo-Russian satellite called Youthsat and a micro-satellite named X-Sat from the Nangyang Technological University of Singapore.

The Launch Authorisation Board (LAB), which met at Sriharikota on Saturday, cleared the rocket's lift-off.

“Everything is going on well. Things are smooth. This is one of the standard launches by the PSLV,” said S. Ramakrishnan, Director, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

The LAB reviewed the readiness of the launch vehicle, the spacecraft systems and the ground stations, and authorised the 54-hour countdown to begin at 3.40 a.m. on Monday.

ISRO spokesman S. Satish said that during the countdown, the second and the fourth stages of the rocket would be filled with liquid propellants. Mandatory checks of the vehicle and the three spacecraft, including the charging of the batteries and pressurisation of the propellant tanks, would be done. Readiness of the launch infrastructure such as radar systems that track the vehicle and communication networks would be reviewed, Mr. Satish said.

Resourcesat-2, built by ISRO, is the primary satellite in this mission. It is an advanced remote-sensing satellite, weighing 1,206 kg. An important feature of Resourcesat-2 is that it carries three cameras — with high, medium and coarse resolutions — on a single platform. The images taken by the cameras will be useful for estimating the health of crops, locating ground water, keeping a surveillance on deforestation, and monitoring the level of water in reservoirs and lakes and the snow-melt in the Himalayas and the consequent receipt of water in the rivers.

The 92-kg Youthsat has been built by India and Russia, with one payload from Russia and two from ISRO. The satellite will be used for stellar and atmospheric studies, including watching the activities in the sun and their effect on the earth's upper atmosphere. The 106-kg X-Sat will be used for imaging applications.

PSLV-C16/RESOURCESAT-2 Mission Successfull.............:dance3::dance3:

well done ISRO :clapsmiley::clapsmiley:
Congratulations to ISRO team. Hope for successful lauching of future satellites also.
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