Mukesh Khanna told Bollywood Thikana, “Now people know that Ranveer Singh came to convince me for allowing him to reprise the role of Shaktimaan. I can’t hide it also because later people said that I lauded Ranveer and called him a terrific actor. News of Ranveer being confirmed to play Shaktimaan started coming but I hadn’t agreed to it. I also have a conflict with Sony (Sony Pictures Films India) and I had put up a video clarifying that I haven’t approved Ranveer to play the role and the reason is that…Ranveer sat in front of me that day for 3 hours but ultimately I had to tell him that what needs to be seen on his face wasn’t there. He looks playful, like someone who would trick others.”
Mukesh Khanna had rejected Ranveer Singh as the new Shaktimaan. The actor has now claimed that Tiger Shroff is also not a good fit for the film adaptation.