Discussion Star Gold Thrills, Star Gold Romance and Star Gold 2 HD launched

Disney-star should even do for South Hindi dubbed movies and the which are releasing & are going to release on pan india level (Bengali, Marathi, Odia, etc - Future industries to releases their movies on pan india level).🙂

And I must say only Disney-Star is the one to have a channel to show Hindi Dubbed Hollywood/Foreign movies alongwith original english ones, no channel has managed to do so far. Sony and Zee have only 1 english movie channel (original language), Viacom18/Colors has neither.

Hope Disney-Star even launches many such channels SGT in other languages too - mainly Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malyalam, Bengali, Assamese, etc. 😀
But thrills is copied concept from UTV action, so here courtesy goes to 'Ronnie Screwala' , the UTV founder, remember 'UTV World Movies' . No network including disney star even thought to launch channel like that, they will launch dozons of hindi movie channels & will telecast same movies across their network in shuffled passion but will not dare to launch such kind of channel
One thing I liked about Star Gold Thrills
is they're airing movies with their original
names .... not like 'Avengers: Maha Yudh'
and all like they used to do on Utv action
It used to feel so cringe tbh...
Yes bro. I also noticed. But in Hindi translation, they are using previous names like Maha Yudh, etc.
Do any of you noticed that on SG Thrills, the movie name written on the side of logo (i.e Movie that is running now) is original in english and fanmade or channel made name in Hindi.
Okay i am in love with this Star Gold Romance Ident and that tune 😍😍 Jiyaa Jiyaaa jiiyaaaa 😍😍 Beautiful ❤️
But it seems that there is no glowing effects for Star Gold Romance logo. Logo is very bland without effects.

See Thrills channel, logo is looking like 3D with effects.
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