You guys do realize that the 'HDTV' specifications include 720p/1080i video + Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. Therefore, for the term term 'TRUE HD' to apply, the service must include DD5.1 audio. Now that is something Dish FraudHD is not even equipped to deliver. Therefore in all honesty, Dish does not even have ONE TRUE HD channel, let alone 27 channels. This is the actual fact. Of course people are free to be deluded into believing whatever they choose to.
PS: As pointed out earlier in the thread, both, 'Baby TV' & 'Nat Geo Music' are SD channels being broadcast with a 16:9 aspect ratio. 'Aljazeera' a news channel on TataSky is another channel that is shown in SD with 16:9 aspect ratio.