SUN Channels to go off Reliance Digital TV, issue Notice

Tomorrow there will be another Notice from Reliance that they are going to break their sharing agreement of measat satellite between sun and big tv and also break agreement of sun group with TV18 Network. Then sundirect will get worse than ever.
no karthik is not possible to break sharing of mesat satellite...
suri said:
no karthik is not possible to break sharing of mesat 3 satellite...

Anything can happen if u show your muscles to india's NO.1 Billionaire. Will Billionaire Fail to pay due's???:D:D:D:D:D
This is not new for Reliance Digital TV, earlier Neo Sports had also issued similar notice in May, 2012. However, RDTV managed to get the two channels back on platform. Please see this for reference:

Bigtv is running out of options and payments also
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