Breaking Tamil Thalaiva Full HD With 22 HD At Rs.1760

6(months) x 319 (monthly charge) = Rs 1914/-
Offer price Rs 1760/- Discount Rs 154/- Instead of giving extra 15 days validity for 6 month recharge, Tata Play is giving discount. That means no extra validity. Do you think that, it is a special offer? Oh no🤦🏻
6(months) x 319 (monthly charge) = Rs 1914/-
Offer price Rs 1760/- Discount Rs 154/- Instead of giving extra 15 days validity for 6 month recharge, Tata Play is giving discount. That means no extra validity. Do you think that, it is a special offer? Oh no🤦🏻
If Tata Play allows you to save 154 rs on this offer, you can use these ie. your saved 154rs for another 15 days right? Than why are you saying no extra validity?
If Tata Play allows you to save 154 rs on this offer, you can use these ie. your saved 154rs for another 15 days right? Than why are you saying no extra validity?
I need Rs 159.50 for 15 days validity not Rs 154.00
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