Breaking Times now showing news in bilingual (Hindi & english)

Shantanu Upadhyay

7 Jan 2018
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Just tuned in to times now for latest news update but surprised to listen anchor presenting news in english mixed with hindi.

Has Times now became a bilingual news channel?
May be the anchor was talking with a person who doesn't know English, that's why he had to talk with him in Hindi? :unsure:
May be the anchor was talking with a person who doesn't know English, that's why he had to talk with him in Hindi? :unsure:
At first I also thought the same but as I continued watching the news I realised that the anchor (female) was reporting the news in mixed language I.e. few lines in hindi followed by english.
Not a good move by times now, though I can understand hindi as it is my mother tongue but what about those viewers that can't understand hindi.
if it is so, it is a bad move. It is a nationalised news channel, should drive only with english content as everyone may not know hindi. If this continues, time to move to Republic tv
Anchor's English knowledge is poor like me so she include her mother tongue in communication
But bro if you can convey your thoughts to an english speaker than you know the language, this is what the basic purpose of a language always need not be grammatically correct
I also never learned english with the aid of eng grammar books or teachers, the best way to learn a language is to speak it.

Though it was a bit out of topic but I thought it is important to share my thought on your comment.:giggle:
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