sun sd 91.5e measat
sun hd is in 93.5 e gsat 15 and dd free dish on same position
dish tv 95e
gsat 9 @97.3e
watan hd running on chinasat 11 98e
to recive it from sun hd position slightly move left standing in back of the dish
lnb scew remain same
decrease elevation slowly you will receive 97.3e channels & 98 channels in the position
in your current position you can recieve dd free dish channels using free to air box without changing the dish lnb position as sun
direct hd and ddfree gsat 15 are on same satellite
Zindagi Tv showing colour bars
MC TV is back and channel names are updated for MC TV and Awam news tv while scanning . All tps have signal today except 11657 V 2399