In this instalment, we go through the various other genres of Hindi TV channels such as movies, news, music, devotional...
Articles by Soham Bhadra
After two years of struggling to remain as a pure music channel, Vijay Music is rebranding to Vijay Takkar so...
In the first of a series of ‘explainer’ articles, this article discusses the various types of Hindi entertainment channels, which...
The all-new platform service will showcase Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada blockbusters dubbed in Hindi.
While the new logo and shows are in the hope that more people take note of Doordarshan, in practice they...
While DD National has been promoting its rebranding for a few days now, Star Bharat’s rebranding is a sudden one...
Launched in April last year, the channel has taken a long time to be added on India’s largest pay DTH...
The new logo contains the basic shape of the Doordarshan logo while also incorporating the map of India present in...