nothing is decreased..... Its all old prices only..... admins plz close the thread.....nothing new in this thread infact we all are knw prices are increased not decresed and also i called cc they said no changes in any add on pack as it remains..... :angry:angry:angry:angry:angry
No bro.. I called customer care and checked it. I will mention a few channels. Earlier i subscribed to Star Plus for Rs. 20, NGC wild for Rs. 25, India Today for Rs. 15, Star Utsav was also Rs. 15 and Zoom was Rs. 15.
Now i got it updated to NGC wild Rs. 15, India Today Rs. 3, Zoom Rs. 6, Star Plus Rs. 8, Star Utsav Rs. 1 and so on. But they also have increased Ten Cricket to Rs. 45 and Sony Six to Rs. 50.. May be these changes happened alot before and i just noticed it now. I posted here because no one mentioned abt it. When Airtel increases prices everyone goes bla bla but when they reduce the price no one cares. Sometimes its good to appreciate too.
@thread starter no one is bla bla here bro pls mind ur words.....and also we all are keep on updating whenever adtv changing the price....we have created here a seperate thread for ala cartae price so please check before post anything..... :k:k:k:k:k