12297V18330 currently have 17 SD channels.
12357v18330 currently have 18 SD channels.
12591v 30000 currently have 14 SD channels.
12711H45000 currently have 16SD channels + 11 HD channels.
Here's the updated details of airtel digital TV transponders
11480 V 28800
11483 H 29000
11520 V 30000
11520 H 32700
11560 V 32700
11560 H 32700
11600 V 32700
11600 H 32700
11640 V 32700
11640 H 30000
11680 V 32700
11680 H 32700
12281 V 43700
12341 V 43700
12341 H 44920
12414 V 21850
12591 V 43700
12651 V 43700
12711 V 43700
12711 H 44990.
Total 20 transponders from both Ses7 and Ses9 @108.2.