You cant predict what whole maharashtra watches on basis of what you & your whole fam from MH nd my fam dont watch marathi gec's at all they prefer hindi gec's that doesnt mean whole MH watches hindi gec's only
In ormax there is study report from barc where they showed MH is no.1 contributor of Hindi GEC's because marathi people understand hindi very well same goes with bengalis also whereas south people dont understand hindi so they prefer regional gec's only
Plus look at MH state size nd population it is much bigger than south states but still look at impressions of top 5 channels of South channels from tamil telugu kannada etc. Most of channels impressions are above 400k as they prefer only regional channels only
Whereas look at top5 marathi channel no.1 marathi channel hasnt evn crossed 300k mark in recent week because maharashtra viewership is divided between both hindi as well as marathi channels