Since afternoon I am not able to login to my account from both web and app. And since morning couldn't make a single call to CC. All systems seemed to crash!
I tried this number, but it is not proceeding on the option to talk to the CC person. It is just going back to previous menu. Tried many times. d2h just playing with customers' patience.
Email the above. Politely tell them even they are responsible for this mess as they are not taking stringent action against the dth providers despite being a Govt agency responsible for Consumers.
You will have to take out old radio set and enjoy dinner at night listening Akashwaani or AIR FM News/Cricket Commentary or arrange a binocular and view to watch TV from neighbour's home.
Just joking.... Ur operator will give u reminders and more time but if u do not listen to them then like ur school teacher they will take a stick and bang on ur account which will force it to shift to equal cost new pack designed by them