Airtel has made certain changes in its pricing policy. Earlier Flat NCF of Rs. 94 was applicable on secondary connection no matter how many channels we subscribed but now they have started charging regular NCF for multi tv connection incase u add any channel above their customized bouquet and slip over to next slab.
Airtel has made certain changes in its pricing policy. Earlier Flat NCF of Rs. 94 was applicable on secondary connection no matter how many channels we subscribed but now they have started charging regular NCF for multi tv connection incase u add any channel above their customized bouquet and slip over to next slab.
Bhai, there is no change incase of discount applicable on NCF for secondary connection. Infact even if u have taken customized airtel bouquet which contains 175 channels still only Flat Fee of Rs. 94 will be charged but as i have stated above that adding more channels thru broadcaster bouquet or standalone option and crossing over to next slab will make IDV come into play.
Please note, there is no change in earlier rule of allowing extra 6 channels alongwith airtel bouquet without additional NCF. But sadly airtel is now counting DD channels as part of regular slots in initial slab thus somehow again increasing our spending or reducing options to chose channels
Bro Little bit confusion. plz clear
in screen shot PB ARP pack price is 3965/- and when i input my id at then price is showing 3742/-
plz clear confusion