Sad News Subscription rates to increase by 5-8% due to a rise in bouquet rates by major broadcasters

This is ridiculous. The broadcasters has already increased the price this year. Customers are moving away from pay tv due to the pricing and lack of quality content. Further prise will lead to lose of more subscribers.
Buddies, before reacting to any news or information please atleast try to understand its context or what it is actually referring to...... Actually few DPO's had not implemented new bouquets / RIO agreement of various broadcasters which had come into effect from 1st March 2024 so when broadcasters told such DPO's that signals would be disconnected if they do not sign updated RIO agreement then these DPO's had approached TRAI which requested broadcasters to not stop signals and postpone execution of agreement to after General Elections 2024.

Now as the elections have concluded hence the pending implementation of updated RIO agreement is likely to happen soon which would then result in applicable surge in pricing of channels /bouquets
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