Thought of The Day

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RE: Thought for the Day

A successful relationship requires falling in love many times with the same person.....
RE: Thought for the Day

5th March 2013

You need not even read the Gita or the Upanishads. You will hear a Gita specially designed for you if you call upon the Lord in your own heart. He is there, installed as your own Charioteer. Ask Him and He will answer. Have the Form of the Lord before you when you sit quietly in a place for meditation and have His Name - that is, any Name when you do japam (repetition of the divine Name). If you do japam, without a Form before you, who is to give the answer? You cannot be talking all the time to yourself. The Form of the Lord you are calling will hear and respond to you. All agitations must cease one day, is it not? Meditation of the Form of the Lord and repetition of His Name are the only means for your mental agitations to cease.
RE: Thought for the Day

6th March 2013

Once, I asked a few people as to what they would like to be in the hands of the Lord. Some said the lotus, some the shankha (conch) and some the chakra (discus), but no one mentioned the murali (flute). I would advise you to aspire to become the flute, for then the Lord Himself will come to you and pick you up. Achieve the hollowness of heart by making it completely egoless. He will then breathe through you and create captivating music for all Creation to enjoy. Be straight, without any will of your own and merge your will in the Will of God. Inhale only the breath of God. That is Divine Life, the goal you must all achieve.
RE: Thought for the Day

7th March 2013
Consider the example of a cinema; on the screen we see rivers in flood, engulfing all the surrounding land. Even though the scene is filled with flood waters the screen does not get wet by even a drop of water. At another time, on the same screen we see volcanoes erupting with flame, but the screen is not burnt. The screen which provides the basis for all these pictures is not affected by any of them. Likewise in the life of man, good or bad, joy or sorrow, birth or death, will be coming and going, but they do not affect the Soul (Atma). In the cinema of life, the screen is the Soul (Atma). It is Shiva, it is Shankara, it is Divinity. When one understands this principle, one will be able to understand, enjoy and find fulfilment in life.
RE: Thought for the Day

8th March 2013
The most important reason for bondage is giving too much freedom to the mind. For example, when an animal is tethered to a post, it will not be able to go to another place. It will not be able to show anger or violence or do harm to any person. But if it is let loose, then it can roam over various fields, destroy the crops, and cause loss and harm to others. It may also get beaten up for the harm caused by it. So too, if you turn your mind towards worldly objects, it will descend to the animal or even demonic nature. The same mind also can make you rise from the level of the human to the highest level of Divinity. Hence regulate your mind by following certain rules of discipline. In doing so, you will not go astray and can maintain a good name and lead a happy and useful life.
RE: Thought for the Day

9th March 2013
If there is a boil on the body, we put some ointment on it and cover it with a bandage until the whole wound heals. If you do not apply the ointment and tie a bandage around this boil, it is likely to become septic and can cause greater harm later on. Now and then we will have to clean it with water, apply the ointment again and put on a new bandage. In the same way, in our life, there is this boil which has come up in our body in the form of 'I, I, I..'. If you want to really cure this boil, you will have to wash it every day with the waters of love, apply the ointment of faith on it and tie the bandage of humility around it. The bandage of humility, the ointment of faith, and the waters of love will cure the disease that has erupted with this boil of 'I.'
RE: Thought for the Day

10th March 2013

Shivarathri is a day when you should establish friendship between the mind and God. Shivarathri makes one aware of the fact that the same Divinity is all-pervasive and is to be found everywhere. It is said that Shiva lives in Kailasa. But where is Kailasa? Kailasa is our own joy and bliss. It means that the Lord lives in the Kailasa of joy, bliss and delight. If you can develop that sense of joy and delight in our mind, then your heart itself is the Kailasa where Shiva lives. How can one get this joy? Joy comes and stays with you when you develop purity, steadiness and sacredness. There is no use in observing Shivarathri once a year. Every minute, every day, every night, you should think of Divinity and sanctify your time, for the Time Principle itself is Shiva.
RE: Thought for the Day

11th March 2013

At first look, everyone appears to be a devotee, but individuals respond differently to different circumstances. If you keep a ball of iron and dry leaf side by side, when there is no wind, both of them will be firm and steady. But when there is a breeze, the dry leaf will be carried many miles away. The iron ball will remain firm and steady. If one has true love and firm faith in God, one will be like an iron ball, steady and undisturbed. If one is like a leaf running away on account of difficulties and problems, it is a travesty to call such a person a devotee. We should develop pure and steady love and faith.
RE: Thought for the Day

12th March 2013

You need not even read the Gita or the Upanishads. You will hear a Gita specially designed for you if you call upon the Lord in your own heart. He is there, installed as your own Charioteer. Ask Him and He will answer. Have the Form of the Lord before you when you sit quietly in a place for meditation and have His Name - that is, any Name when you do japam (repetition of the divine Name). If you do japam, without a Form before you, who is to give the answer? You cannot be talking all the time to yourself. The Form of the Lord you are calling will hear and respond to you. All agitations must cease one day, is it not? Meditation of the Form of the Lord and repetition of His Name are the only means for your mental agitations to cease.
RE: Thought for the Day

13th March 2013

The mariner uses his compass to guide him aright amidst the dark storm clouds and raging waves. When a person is overwhelmed by the dark clouds of despair and the raging confusion of irrepressible desires, he too, has a compass which will point to him the direction he has to take. That compass is a society that is dedicated to the propagation of spiritual discipline. So long as man is attracted by outer nature, he cannot escape the blows of joy and grief, of profit and loss, of happiness and misery. But, if he is attracted by the Glory of God within him as well as within Nature, he can be above and beyond these dualities and in perfect peace.
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