Discussion Will India word to be removed from TV channels also if India becomes Bharat?

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23 Oct 2018
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As government is planning to remove the India word, and the country will be called as Bharat instead of India in english also (if happens). Then what will happen to the tv channels which are using India word on their names?

Like :
NDTV India >> NDTV Bharat
India Today >> Bharat Today
India Ahead >> Bharat Ahead
India Daily Live >> Bharat Daily Live
India TV >> Bharat TV

Is there any possibilities of these?
Name changing due to opposition party using India name. If opposition again change their party name from India to Bharat then what will do by BJP? 😉
same question asked by delhi CM Arvind kejriwal yesterday.
Name changing due to opposition party using India name. If opposition again change their party name from India to Bharat then what will do by BJP? 😉
BJP will first switch NDA with B.H.A.R.A.T 🤣
@A4Akash bro why they'll change name? India and Bharat both are same. Ya in case of International channel they'll definitely change if required.
Country name is used for recognise other countries in the world. From 72 years " india" word spread across the world and we'll known to other's.
If really we want to change india, do something to the people. Still we are suffering from poverty, jobless , pollution, corruption ..ete..we need to do something on that. Just changing the name is not worked.

If we changed the name whatever. Other countries recognise as "Indian's "only.
I got some random post in SM stating it will cost around 19000 crore.. imagine how many mangalyan chandrayan.. or in selfish point upgrading tv channel infrastructure would it made possible.. but who's gonna tell them.. majority they have no?
The channel name change is currently only speculation and it's not confirmed news. Hence we are closing the thread to avoid further political debates and discussions.

Members can report the thread, if the situation changes and renaming becomes confirmed so we can reopen the thread.
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