Zee is bringing Zee TV, Zee Kannada, Zee Telugu, Zee Tamil under Orange label signifying the GEC market. Also, the movie channels under the aqua-green label for Hindi and Telugu and hopefully future channels in Kannada and Tamil' Why is it not the same with other Zee regional GEC and movie Channels? Any info on this?
FYI, current colours:
Orange: Zee Hindi, Zee Tamil, Zee Telugu, Zee ETC, Zee Cafe, Zee Talkies, Zee Talkies, Zee Bangla Cinema, Zee 24 Taas, Zee Kalinga News, Zee Bihar-Jarkhand, Zee Rajasthan, Zee MP-CG, Zee UP-UK
Pink: Zee Kannada, Zee Anmol, Zee Anmol Cinema, Zee Ganga
Red: Zee News, Zee Action, Zee Bangla, Zee Sarthak, Zee 24 Ghanta, Zee Keralam (as per Trademark)
Blue: Zee 24 Kalak, Zee Punjab-Himachal-Haryana
Green: Zee Cinema, Zee Cinemalu, Zee Salam, Zee Malayalam (as per Trademark)
Yellow: Zee Magic
Yellow+Orange: Zee Marathi
Yellow+Orange+Pink: Zee Yuva
Orange+Green: Zee Hindustan
Gold: Zee Business, Zee Bollywood