for them only 2 channels space conversion needed but 8 converted means space created from another new 8 channels also who know may be they will complete all mpeg 4 migration til 31st may 2015 at the speed of -7-8 channels per day hya
yes SMS :hd too.. and if they want to add neo channels there is enough space already there for those channels... so it indicates this time addition will be higher in numbers.. but i don't think they will convert all the channels into mpeg4 with this speed.. because already users were disturbed with signal issue.. some people are not aware with the terms mpeg4 and mpeg2 so while watching TV they thought Mpeg4 channels are not part of their pack. So i think TS will not disturb their customers again with another issue.
as per my calculation they are already having space in their last Converted DVB S2 Mpeg 4 Tp that is 11630 H 32000 5/6 in this tp they still have space of 11 SD or 3 HD without any conversion