Shilpa Shinde has quit popular comedy show “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai”, alleging that the makers “mentally tortured” her. As per the reports on SpotboyE, Shilpa a.k.a Angoori Bhabhi has said she is ready to return to the &TV Serial Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai!
Yes! our very own Angoori Bhabhi wants to come back to the show BUT for that she has a condition. Shilpa will eagerly return to the show only if the producer of the show, Binaifer is shown the door. The actress is not happy with the location as well. As per the reports on SpotBoye, she said, “I will return if Binaifer is replaced and the location is changed. I am not mad to leave a good show, but can’t work with a producer who wants to control me. Also, my health is not very good and there are no good medical facilities in Naigaon.”
Also: Watch: ‘Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai’ co stars lash out at Shilpa Shinde aka ‘Angoori Bhabhi’
Shilpa clearified that she has no issues with the channel. She said, “The original team which created the show’s concept is no longer there and the new members don’t know me personally. So, they might have come under the influence of Binaifer, who has been spreading rumours about me,” she explains.
Shilpa Shinde also alleges that the producer Binaifer has altered her contract illegally by adding the exclusivity clause. “I am ready for a legal battle, but Binaifer knows that she has no legal standing. I have an old High Court order, which says that contracts between producers and actors are not legally binding as they are one-sided.”
On being asked about whether she will be a part of ”The Kapil Sharma Show”, Shilpa was quick to respond. She said, “No, I have declined it for health reasons.” We hope that the issues get resolved pretty soon as fans are eagerly waiting to see Angoori Bhabhi again that too as soon as possible.
Shilpa Shinde's CONDITION to return on Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai; Talks about ''The Kapil Sharma Show'' - Filmymonkey