The Mumbai police on Monday arrested four persons for leaking online an episode of popular fantasy TV series "Game of Thrones".
Three of the accused are employees of Prime Focus Technology, while the fourth one is its former employee, police said. The company, which processes the series for online streaming service Hotstar,
NEW DELHI: “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” Ygritte told her reluctant lover, delivering one of the most iconic lines in the drama series. But the Maharashtra police do know who leaked episode four from season seven of the blockbuster HBO series ‘Game of Thrones’ with the Star India watermark about 10 days back. And, the source of the crime is Prime Focus, a technology partner of Star.
Police investigations done in Mumbai and Bangalore have shown that present and former employees of Prime Focus, technology vendor for Star India, were responsible for the leak. GOT airs in India on Star channels and its digital platform Hotstar.
“The information and material collected at the Bangalore office (of Prime Focus) and the Mumbai Police station were collated, studied and analysed by the police. On being satisfied, the investigating agency sufficiently established the role and involvement of various persons, both existing and former employees as well as outsiders,” Maharashtra special IGP (cyber) Brijesh Singh said in a statement yesterday, adding four persons were arrested on 14 August 2017.
Full news - Game of Thrones episode leak with Star TV watermark traced to Prime Focus Tech; 4 people arrested
HBO Spain has accidentally have leaked the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 “Death Is the Enemy” full five days before it is supposed to be aired on Sunday 20th August. Before Star India, Now HBO Spain