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abhinaba said:
Yes our budget was small but before 1989 China was poorer than us. But as a communist country what China did we can't. They infuse more money in strategic sectors than us but their public health, average people's life was very bad than us. Against all odds ISRO could have mastered in cryogenic technology if we were not hold back by technology embargo. It is USA who facilitated China over India & help them to develop Long March-3B. Even after technological embargo ISRO under the leadership of E.V.S. Namboodri was ready to test cryogenic engine in 1994 but fearing India will be self-reliant in space launch USA made a fabricated spy story & make Namboodri , his whole team as traitors of nation. As a result whole project was in jeopardy; ISRO lost 6 crucial years & a brilliant team of scientists.


please note the there was no such scientist in isro with the name EVS Namboodri.   :no

I think u got this name by mistake from mr. EMS Namboodri, who was the 1st chief minister of kerala.  ;)

 It was Mr. Nambi Narayanan who led the team for cryo development (and was unfortunately got arrested in the fabricated spy case).    :)
Rishithulyan said:

please note the there was no such scientist in isro with the name EVS Namboodri.   :no

I think u got this name by mistake from mr. EMS Namboodri, who was the 1st chief minister of kerala.  ;)

 It was Mr. Nambi Narayanan who led the team for cryo development (and was unfortunately got arrested in the fabricated spy case).    :)

Yes you are right, i misquoted it during typing. 

Mr. EVS Namboodri was an ISRO scientist who headed ISRO's Aerospace Design and Dynamics Group in 1982.

The Aerospace Design and Dynamics Group in coordination with the Cryogenic Study team led

by Mr. EVS Namboodri, carried out some studies on future GSLV 3 configuration & presented the preliminary report

to the Chairman, ISRO, in 1984. 

The presented combination was as follows : 2 S125 + S125 + L37.5 + C12,12
abhinaba said:
Yes you are right, i misquoted it during typing. 

Mr. EVS Namboodri was an ISRO scientist who headed ISRO's Aerospace Design and Dynamics Group in 1982.

The Aerospace Design and Dynamics Group in coordination with the Cryogenic Study team led

by Mr. EVS Namboodri, carried out some studies on future GSLV 3 configuration & presented the preliminary report

to the Chairman, ISRO, in 1984. 

The presented combination was as follows : 2 S125 + S125 + L37.5 + C12,12

Yes. There was an EVS Namboothiri in ISRO, who worked initially in Dr.Kalam's team.

I forgot about him. I had even seen him once in an engineering college in central Kerala. He was heading a dept in that engg college, after his retirement from isro.

I haven't heard anything about such a suggested configuration of lvm3, which you wrote above. I believe that u r quoting some books. But I think that some info is misleading. Because GSLV config was not even finalised in 1984. Then how come discussion happen about the GSLV mk3 config :-O
Rishithulyan said:
I haven't heard anything about such a suggested configuration of lvm3, which you wrote above. I believe that u r quoting some books. But I think that some info is misleading. Because GSLV config was not even finalised in 1984. Then how come discussion happen about the GSLV mk3 config :-O
It was GSLV configuration 3 not GSLV MK3 configuration. The Aerospace study group considered different configurations, among them 3rd no. scenario was presented to ISRO chairman.
All the hostile neighbors of India such as Pakistan are very paranoid about India offering them some gift in the form of satellite(SAARC SAT). Even tiny neighbors like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives are less interested in India's offer. What puzzles me is why Mr. Modi is hell bent on offering satellite based help to these hostile neighbours in space based technology like telemedicine which is Indian Space Technology's forte.

These countries don't want India's puny satellite weighing up to maximum 2.2 ton when countries like Bangladesh could have their communication satellite(Banga Bandhu-1) weighing about 3.5 ton manufactured by Thales Alenia Space and launched by Space X. Bangladesh even wants to lease some of its transponders to make foreign currency.

Trouble making tiny neighbour Nepal that has already gone to Chinese Fold, though initially welcomed India's satellite offer, later at the behest of its Master has kept mum about using theis SAARC Satellite. These hostile neighbors have rejected India's offer when ISRO's space achievement is well appreciated by other nations.

Oct 26, 2016
All the planned activities of Station Acquisition Manoeuvres and In-Orbit-Testing (IOT) of GSAT-18 have been successfully completed
Sarkar said:
What's the next mission?

PSLV C36 with Resourcsat - 2A & 4 other earth observation satellites is tentatively scheduled to be launched on 28th November
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