Amitabh Bachchan's 70th birthday is still over two weeks away, but his fans have been showering him with gifts galore. One of the fans gifted him a wooden frame with a picture of him and his wife Jaya. Amitabh, who is busy hosting Kaun Banega Crorepati 6 these days, turns 70 Oct 11. Grand celebrations are reportedly being planned for the special day.
Vivek Kumar, a contestant from Uttar Pradesh, gifted a beautiful picture frame made from rosewood, and crafted using an ancient art form, said a source from the set.
Kumar first surprised Big B by playing the flute, and later even recited a few couplets.
Ever since the sixth season of KBC began Sep 7, Big B has received a lot of love from his ardent fans who come to visit him on sets. Some have gifted him Ganapati idols, while few have brought him sweets like rasgullas.