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MD Anzar said:No news about MN+ addition on Dish Tv because as per news I got to know RN+ going to be removed from 1st Nov on Dish Tv.As already RN+ rebranded as MN+ from broadcaster end but Dish Tv Till now not carrying this channel & Dish Tv which is running RN UHD version is going to be removed from 1st Nov.
AFAIK Romedy NOW + already replaced with Movies NOW + from broadcaster end so no question on that.
dishtv removing Romedy NOW Upscaled Version WEF of 31st October but that doesn't mean WEF of Nov. 1st dishtv add Movies NOW +
We have to clear the fact is dishtv can launch any channel first in their platform only if they have contract, right now dishtv negotiating with Times Television so it can take some time to concludes it as its dishtv.
So 2 scenario is possible :-
1. Either its remain as it is like they're running right now.
2. If dishtv replace Movies NOW + with Movies NOW HD WEF of Nov. 1st then it will available only as ala carte basis and user may end up by loosing Movies NOW HD from base pack.