My balance increased to 670 from 370, I have new non stop pack regime with two channel, for jaya TV in website add on no charge but after adding they are charging?
There is some error in the interface.
1. Clear/reset the current selection by adding one or two channels and submitting. Then you will see only these two channels are subscribed by you.
After submitting, wait for about 10 minutes.
2. After this again login, and now add the add ons and all channels you want and then submit.
If you want to change this new package configuration, again you have go through the above two steps.
Note : The "add on" packs that are actually available to "non-stop new regime" users are actually just a combination of channels without any discount as per my observations. So I would suggest to pick channels individually. So only adding the "Free BST Add on" makes sense here, since you can't add those FTA channels individually.