Price increase from 10 april....minimum 10 % at all base packs

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also let members decide, u guys just have a problem if tata sky or airtel is criticized for their wrong doings

infact i have many times criticized videocon d2h for many things but at that time u all readily agree

what kind of a biased environment is prevalent in this forum?
Currently means?? for one week?? because after a week you posted, price got increased.. please clarify what currently means..
dino29 said:
u guys just have one job , that is to praise tata or airtel and if tata sky or airtel is criticized then u come here to bash me

carry on, let members decide who is right

regarding sources, dude u do not even know the reality and the people to which i speak with and the backend problems we discuss so better not comment

why are you going off topic.. nobody is discussing are saying about airtel or tatasky in this thread...
Close thread.. In every thread we saw lots of arrguments between dino29 vs other members.
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