I am doing this from last 2 years.. not much effect on price hike but from next recharge due in June will have to pay more for HDAF and Ten combo pack..
I am doing this from last 2 years.. not much effect on price hike but from next recharge due in June will have to pay more for HDAF and Ten combo pack..
If i buy new Tata Sk y HD to watch SSHD1,2 Six HD and Ten HD then what will be my minimum monthly cost? Can someone please calculate this for me including HD aceess fee?
If i buy new Tata Sk y HD to watch SSHD1,2 Six HD and Ten HD then what will be my minimum monthly cost? Can someone please calculate this for me including HD aceess fee?
If i buy new Tata Sk y HD to watch SSHD1,2 Six HD and Ten HD then what will be my minimum monthly cost? Can someone please calculate this for me including HD aceess fee?