Disscussion on Tata Sky's compression algorithm

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RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

u got it right mystic and as i understood its a complex process to calculate it, most people just say compression is low or high but its not that simple as i got to know, lots of maths goes into calculating the correct algorithm setting
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

there was also a error correction issue and data was getting cracked in and there was problem in uniformity of data sent so fec formula also had to b corrected
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

Notes about FEC formula :
Forward error correction (FEC) is applied to the customer's information data at the transmit end.

FEC rate is typically in the range 1/2 to 7/8 so the transmission data rate is always significantly more than the customer information rate.
If FEC is not accurate you may see cracked pictures during high motion scene ......
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

HuH Ha HuH Ha.... An Normal Customer Gets In Touch With TATASky Up-Link Center TEAM Person and He Tells EveryThing About Algorithm's and This Fella Advices Some Correction... This Is What I Came To Know From Past 4 Thread Pages...

Now In Some Other Forum They Lick TATASky As Their PET Animal and Till Now EveryThing Was Fine and Suddenly TATASky Got Whole Lot Of Problems...

And See 7 TEST Channels Added, But New News Is UTV World Movies Is On Its Brink There...

Whats The Conclusion...

TATASky Is The WORST DTH In India NOW... and The Person Hold's EXPERT Position To Give SPECULATIVE Ideas

ADMIN Look Into His Expertise.... Till We Came Here All His Info Was FANTASTIC... Now Its Diminished....
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

yes sadiq bhai me too think tata sky is really the worst dth in india you can check a latest 2mints. before by own dino here- http://dreamdth.com/Forum/showthread.php?tid=8654&action=lastpost

and me too doubt he is a official as he always giving under things.yes he may be a good tata sky subscribers but i know no officier of tata sky will give him info like this if he is not a official.
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

namo narayan said:
there was also a error correction issue and data was getting cracked in and there was problem in uniformity of data sent so fec formula also had to b corrected

What did error correction did for cracking? Did they change FEC? After your advice which thing they changed?

Either you work in some senior level and was able to contact all the deparments from billing to uplinking.

Or you are faking things or you are diehard fan of Tatasky and waste lot of time bugging those employess and Tatasky simply fooling you as if they did something and when you ask further, they escape from your questions by telling that those are complex things.

Did you or anyone see any improvement of picture quality? if then from when and on what channels?
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

mystic said:
Notes about FEC formula :
If FEC is not accurate you may see cracked pictures during high motion scene ......

How? Please expain. I am getting good signal without any BER. Now if I see square boxes during fast moving scenes then it is the mistake of FEC?
dear admin tell this sadiq to stop his crap talk or else i will have to bring my hard tone forward. useless people like him have no business of questioning what i should do or not do.
RE: New Test Channel - Test Service 14 added

amatan said:
mystic said:
Notes about FEC formula :
If FEC is not accurate you may see cracked pictures during high motion scene ......

Forward error correction (FEC) is a method of obtaining error control in data transmission in which the source (transmitter) sends redundant data and the destination (receiver) recognizes only the portion of the data that contains no apparent errors. a digital information source sends a data sequence comprising k bits of data to an encoder. The encoder inserts redundant (or parity) bits, thereby outputting a longer sequence of n code bits called a codeword. On the receiving end, codewords are used by a suitable decoder to extract the original data sequence.

Well in simple terms, we can roughly say some crude explanation like this

the FEC tells the decoder , to take the right frames from the stream, The satellite with fec 3/4 for example , transmits each frame four times, If 3 frames are identical, they are taken as correct and the frame with error is simply discarded, The more values of fec like 5/6 or 7/8 , makes it harder for Fringe reception etc...,

Please remember that this along with things like C/N ratio, BER and a lot more things like rain outage, atmospheric conditions, etc.... etc... are all contributing to your PQ and AQ

How? Please expain. I am getting good signal without any BER. Now if I see square boxes during fast moving scenes then it is the mistake of FEC?

Dont really think so, We had an old lcd tv a few years back, with a high response time, So if Schumacher turns a bend in Monaco, the car looked like a snake curling around, That is a slow grey to grey of TV, Well if the STB is a little on the slow processing side or is overheating these artifacts start appearing too, Like the video section memory is slower and lot of data is input to it, the output can give strange results, Like squares and flower pots
very good explanation by quickboy
also yes quickboy i have noticed one thing that if stb becomes old, or if a person regularly manually downloads software, then stb becomes slow in responding too and also in fast scenes there is slight blurriness, is this bcoz stb processor has become slow
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