New HD channels coming soon as ala carte

RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

Ya, they are confirming but not adding. D2H n dishTV thinking customers are fool !

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RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

Just Hope so Karthik bro...

if seriously 9 HD channels come up, it will be big news !
RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

Sony hd and six hd confirmed launch on may 28 th.
RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

why zee telugu hd removed??????????
RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

and when will zee telugu re added???????????
RE: 9 new HD channels coming soon as ala carte

Zee Telegu HD (Upscaled) wont be readded again.. It was an upscaled hd channel, which has been removed for tru hd channels to come in few days...
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