Breaking Tata Play testing new Transponders from Gsat24

Testing of all transponders of Gsat24 complete now. Waiting for channel addition testing in transponders .Now total of 48 transponders(24 Tp of Gsat24 +24 Tps of Gsat10/30) added on TP sheet of Tataplay.None of the transponders added to NIT

Out of the 24 tps 9 tps have signals now including new ones

We Need To Wait, Till They Gets Added On NIT,

That's When It Means Testing Of Transponders Are Over,,
When we can expect channels testing and Adding? In May month?

1 doubt, what is meant by NIT?
NIT or network information table is the one which stores all the transponders available in the network. When you tune to particular channel the stb tune the channel from the NIT and it's viewed in the current LCN.Simply saying it's the back bone all dth system Home ends
Morning update .....
Getting a total of 34 transponders on blind scan today 10 transponders of Gsat24 on testing

No channels added to new transponders for testing
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