Viewers witnessed one of the biggest clashes of television shows recently when arch rivals Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan-Ranbir Kapoor competed with each other in the number of viewership race. The first weekend episodes of Colors' Bigg Boss 10 hosted by Salman and Sony's The Kapil Sharma Show with Aishwarya, Ranbir and Anushka Sharma making an appearance to promote their film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil were telecast on Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23 at the 9 pm slot.
Given that Salman doesn't share a good equation with either Ranbir or Aishwarya, all eyes were glued on to who would win the viewership race on the particular weekend.
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Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai, Ranbir Kapoor to clash on TV?
Bigg Boss 10 vs The Kapil Sharma Show viewershipIB Times India
According to data International Business Times, India, received from ZAPR, both the shows managed to attract massive television viewership, however, it was The Kapil Sharma Show that won the battle with significant numbers.
The comedy show received 33.6 million views as compared to 27.2 million views of Bigg Boss 10 on October 22. The viewership of The Kapil Sharma Show further escalated on Sunday's episode with 38.2 million views while the number of viewership of Salman's show remained constant.
Out of the total viewers, 7.4 million watched both the shows on Saturday. However, the number of viewers reduced to 6.7 million on Sunday.
Bigg Boss 10 vs The Kapil Sharma Show overlapping viewershipIB Times India
Both the shows have a huge fan-base. However, going by the result, it seems people are more inclined towards watching a comedy and light-hearted show than a controversial show. However, one can't rule out the fact that the presence of the good-looking A-listed actors Aishwarya and Ranbir, whose sizzling chemistry in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has sent fans into frenzy, helped the most-loved comedy show garner massive viewership, thereby beating Salman's popular reality show.
Also, it wasn't just a clash between the A-list actors, but also between Colors channel and Sony Entertainment channel, considering Kapil had a fallout with Colors channel, resulting in his previous show going off air. The ace comedian then joined hands with Sony TV for a new show The Kapil Sharma Show.
Bigg Boss 10 vs The Kapil Sharma Show: Aishwarya Rai, Ranbir Kapoor beat Salman Khan in the race