Thought of The Day

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RE: Spirtual Thoughts

7th May 2013
All beings have to do actions (Karma), it is an universal inescapable obligation. Some feel that only meritorious acts or sinful acts are entitled to be called karma, but your very breathing is karma. There are physical, mental and spiritual karmas and doing each one of these for the good of the Self is called dedication. Do not waste a single moment of your life, for time is the body of God. He is known as Kaalaswarupa (of the Form of Time). It is a crime to misuse time or to waste it in idleness. Like the force of gravitation which drags everything down, the pull of sloth (Thamoshakthi) will drag you relentlessly down. So you must be ever on the watch, be ever active.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

8th May 2013
Many social workers visit hospitals to do service. Most of the work done, like fanning patients, writing letters for them and singing bhajans, appears mechanical. It is done as that is what is defined as service and done without paying heed to what the patient really needs! That is incorrect. Service must be done with the full cooperation of the mind, gladly, intelligently, and reverentially. The patient should not feel disgusted at the fussiness of the social worker, but indeed look forward to their arrival, as that of someone near and dear! If you do not like one type of service, do not engage in it. Do not burden your mind by the unpleasantness of a task. Work done mechanically is like the flame of an oil-less wick. Your mental enthusiasm is the oil, pour it and the lamp will burn clear and long.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

9th May 2013
The thirst for worldly goods can never be allayed; trying to satisfy it makes it only more acute. Thirst can never be quenched by drinking salt water, which is the objective world. Human desire is illimitable, without end. It makes you pursue the mirage in the desert, it makes you build castles in the air, it breeds discontent and despair once you succumb to it. But develop thirst (thrishna) for Krishna, and you will discover the cool spring of bliss within you. The name of Krishna makes you strong and steady, it is sweet and sustaining. Whoever has the thirst, Krishna will quench it; whoever calls on Him in the agony of that thirst, Krishna, the rain-cloud, will answer that call and appear.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

10th May 2013
If you have the ear, you can hear 'Om' in every sound announcing to you the Lord's presence. The bell in temples is intended to convey the ‘Om’ as the symbol of the Omnipresent God. When the bell sounds, the Godhead within you will awaken and you will be aware of His Presence. The jeevi (individual soul) has come in with a dress (body), like a pilgrim on a visit to a holy place. The jeevi must have a guide who will show the sacred spots and help fulfil the pilgrimage. That guide is the Lord Himself and the guide books are the Vedas, Upanishads and other scriptures. The essence of the scriptures lies in this one rule: Repeat the name of the Lord, keeping His Glow always before the mind.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

11th May 2013
The Lord is the Kalpatharu (the divine wish fulfilling tree) who gives whatever is asked for. But you have to go near the tree and wish for the thing you want. The atheist is the person who keeps far away from the tree. The theist is the one who has come near. The tree does not make any distinction – it grants boons to all. The Lord will not punish or take revenge if you do not recognize Him or revere Him. Earn the right to approach the Lord without fear and the right to ask for your heritage. You must become so free that praise will not emanate from you when you approach the Lord. Praise is a sign of distance and fear.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

12th May 2013
You can understand Radha only if you can fathom the depth of her thirst for Krishna. Radha believed that Krishna is the Aadhar (basis). She performed Araadh (worship) in a continuous Dhara (stream). In fact she is Prakrithi (nature), another form of the Lord Himself. How can those, who are full of evil tendencies and impulses grasp that relationship? The recitation of the Name of the Lord is the best method for cleansing the mind of all these evil impulses. If you have pure and steady faith in the Lord, He will provide for you, not just food, but the nectar of immortality itself. You have the potential in you to make Him grant you that boon.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

13th May 2013
The poet Kalidasa once said, “I would get liberation, as soon as I go”, implying, liberation is achieved as soon as the ego disappears. For then one would shine in his native splendour, as the indestructible Atma. The ‘I’ when crossed out becomes the symbol of the cross. So what is crucified is the ego. Once this happens, the Divine nature spontaneously manifests itself unhampered. The ego is most easily destroyed by devotion, by dwelling on the magnificence of the Lord. You can call Him by any name, for all names are His. Select the Name and Form that best appeals to you. That is why Sahasranamas (thousand names of the Lord) are composed for the various forms of God; you have the freedom and the right to select any one of the thousand.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

14th May 2013
When you say that Lord Krishna was born in Gokul, grew up in Brindavan, ruled over Mathura and later Dwaraka, what does that signify? The mind is the Gokul where He was born. He is born to everyone, even today, whoever has taken to a spiritual path. The heart is the Brindavan where He grows. He grows in every heart, where Divine Love develops and expands. Your Intellect (Chitha) is where He begins His rule, and the Nirvikalpa stage (the state of absolute oneness) is the Dwaraka where He firmly establishes Himself as the reigning monarch. Make your thirst and devotion for the Lord grow through these stages, and you will be saving yourself.
Re: Spirtual Thoughts

5 Big Ideas to Become a Stronger Human:
By Robin Sharma
#1. Expose your mind to people thinking bigger than you and your actions will automatically grow bigger.
#2. Behave like the person you want to become and eventually you'll hypnotize your mindset to think like that person.
#3. Leverage stress as an advantage. Stress is a valuable tool. It pushes you to get out onto your
edges--where growth and mastery lives. The key is to recover from stress afterwards.
#4. View everything as an opportunity to make life better. That's how ultra-successful people are hardwired. Oh--and just be relentless! DO NOT GIVE UP. (Success adores the obsessed).
#5. Use exercise as an elite achievement tool. Daily exercise fuels passion + beats stress and accelerates focus. Use it to win. (not feeling motivated? Go for a run and you'll get motivated!).
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