Thought of The Day

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RE: Spirtual Thoughts

22nd April 2013
Today, the typhoon of hatred and falsehood is scattering the clouds of Virtue, Justice and Truth to the far corners of the sky. So long as man is capable of prema (love), dharma (righteousness) will exist, do not doubt it. When you direct that prema to the Lord, your mental make-up will slowly and steadily undergo a revolutionary change. You will share in the sorrows and joys of your fellow-beings and experience bliss that is beyond the temporary gains and losses of this world. Your devotion to the Lord will undergo several changes. An important stage is one where service to the Lord alone matters and service alone is the reward - one does not seek anything more than just the opportunity of doing service Unto Him, to the best of one’s capacity.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

Red - these paragraphs are from any famous books ?
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

ALPHA said:
Red - these paragraphs are from any famous books ?
I have Update (BABA JI) Thoughts from this Thread My Dear Friend ALPHA!:k
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

23rd April 2013
Brindavan is not a specific place on the map; it’s the Universe! All human beings are cowherds; all animals are cows. Every heart is filled with the longing for the Lord; the flute is the call of the Lord; the sport Raasakreeda (the sportive dance of little Krishna and the Gopees), is the symbol of the yearning and the travail to merge in God. The Lord manifests such Grace that each one of you has the Lord all for yourself; you need not be sad that you won't have Him; nor need you be proud that you have Him and no one else can have Him! The Lord is installed in the altar of each and every one of your hearts. Revere the gift of this body, the senses, the intelligence, the Will and all the instruments of knowledge, action and feeling as essential for His work.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

24th April 2013
Unfurl in your heart, the flag of infinite peace (Prashanthi). It should remind you to overcome the urge of low desires, anger and hate when your plans are thwarted; it must exhort you to expand your heart, to embrace all humanity and creation; let it direct you to quieten your impulses and calmly meditate on your own inner reality. Gradually, the lotus of your heart will bloom, from its centre the flame of divine vision of infinite peace will arise. Practise the disciplines of silence, cleanliness and forbearance. In silence, you can hear the voice of God. Through cleanliness you earn purity. By forbearance, you cultivate love. Feel that each moment is a step towards Him. Do everything as dedicated to Him, directed by Him, as work for His adoration, for serving His children.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

25th April 2013
Offer your heart and your entire life to the Lord. Then your adoration will transform and transmute you so fast and completely, that you and He will be merged into One. You will be transformed, as a rock is transformed by the sculptor into an idol, deserving the worship of generations of sincere people. In the process you will have to bear many a hammer stroke, many a chisel-wound, for He is the sculptor. He is but releasing you from petrification! Do not defile time or waste this life and body seeking paltry ends. This life is part of the long pilgrimage you entered when you were born, which may not end even when you die. Never forget this fact. Be pure, alert and humble as pilgrims are. Treasure the good things and the truths you see and hear. Use them as props and promptings for further stages of your soul’s journey.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

26th April 2013
All the five elements have been created by the Will of the Supreme. They have to be used with reverential care and vigilant discrimination. Reckless use of any of them will only rebound on you with tremendous harm. External nature has to be handled with caution and awe. So too, handle your inner 'nature,' your internal instruments! While the eye, the ear and the nose serve as instruments of knowledge about one particular characteristic (form, sound or smell) of Nature, the tongue makes itself available for two purposes: to judge taste and to communicate. So you must control the tongue with double care, since it can harm you physically and mentally. Without the control of the senses, spiritual practices (sadhana) are ineffective. If the senses are given full sway, it is like storing water in leaky pot. Pathanjali (the celebrated author of the Yogasuuthras) said that if tongue is conquered, victory is yours.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

27th April 2013
When the One manifests as Nature composed of the five Elements, do not imagine that its value is affected thereby. When a rupee is changed into ten paise coins, its value is not decreased at all. So too, see the Nature as the Supreme One with many manifestations, not as multiplicity of sense-impressions and attractions. Wherever your eye turns, whatever your ears hear, your fingers touch, your tongue tastes, your nose smells... take all to be God-filled. Do not allow mere sound, taste, etc. to captivate your senses. Practice to see the Divine, welcome and accept only such thoughts and feelings and discard the others. Sage Tukaram was once asked how can people keep this monkey-mind controlled from running after sensuous pleasures, the Sage advised, “Let the monkey mind run, you keep the body with you, do not let it go after the mind”. He encouraged, “Tell the mind, I shall not give you the body as your servant. Then the mind will desist and it can be defeated.”
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

28th April 2013
Many clamour for the experience of spiritual bliss, but, few earn it, because they find themselves too weak to reject the clamour of the senses! Practice assiduously the larger programme of controlling the senses. A little enquiry will reveal that the senses are bad masters and very inefficient sources of knowledge; the joy they bring is transitory and fraught with grief. So long as one is dominated by sense pleasure, it cannot be said that his spiritual life has begun. For, the senses rush towards the temporary and the tawdry; thus, they foul the heart. God asks from each of you no other gift, no more valuable offering than the heart He has endowed you with. Give God that heart, as pure as when He gave it to you, full of the nectar of love He filled it with. Your devotion to God is best expressed by achieving the control of the senses.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

29th April 2013
Just as there is a method to pull down an old building, there is a method to be followed in pulling down the complex structure of your mind. You can definitely achieve success by systematic efforts and become a master of yourself. The ladder must be as tall as the height to which you wish to climb, is it not? So too, your spiritual practice must be carried on till Realization (Sakshathkaram) is gained. The rice in the pot must be well boiled to become soft and tasty. Until that happens, the heat must be on. So too, in the vessel of body, with the water of the senses, boil the rice (mind), until it is cooked soft. The heat is your spiritual practice (Sadhana). Keep your Sadhana on, bright and shining; the jeeva (Individual) will at last become Deva (God).
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