Thought of The Day

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RE: Spirtual Thoughts

“Practice hope.
As hopefulness becomes a habit,
you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.”

~ Norman Vincent Peale
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

30th April 2013
When the tongue craves for some delicacy, assert that you will not cater to its whims. If you persist in eating simple food that is not savoury or hot but amply healthy, the tongue may squirm for a few days, but will soon welcome it. That is the way to subdue it and overcome the evil consequences of it being your master. Since the tongue is equally insistent on scandal and lascivious talk, you have to curb that tendency also. Talk little and talk sweetly; talk only when there is pressing need, and talk only to those to whom you must; do not shout or raise the voice, in anger or excitement. Such control will improve health and mental peace, better relationship with people and minimize conflicts with others. You may be initially laughed at, but there are other compensations for you. It will conserve your time and energy; and you can put your inner energy to better use.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

1st May 2013
Discard all low desires for a few acres of land, a fat account in the bank, or a few more bungalows or cars. Desire rather the joy that will never fade; a joy that is deep, steady and strong - the joy of Divine realization. One has only to know one-self in order to contact the springs of Bliss and Immortality and of kinship with all beings. Your innate Divinity is your reality; discover it, dwell in it, and desire to divulge it. Discover your holiness, your divinity, your truth. You may have doubts as to what is dharma (right conduct), which is sathya (truth), which is prema (love), and so on; but you can have no doubt about yourself, is it not? So, find out who you are and be fixed in that truth. That is enough to save you, and give you everlasting joy.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

2nd May 2013
You must pay attention to the small details in your daily life, for devotion (bhakthi) is not just a pose one strikes. It is a series of little acts, directed by the attitude of reverence for Divinity in all beings. Watch for the lie that lurks on the tongue, the violence that lurks behind your fist, the ego that lurks stealthily behind a deed. Restrain them before they grow into habits and settle down as character to thwart your destiny. God is like a shopkeeper who has a store full of all the things that you need in your life. If you, as customer, go to the shop and ask for a towel, can the shopkeeper hand out a shirt? God is like that, He hands out exactly what you ask for. Material things are not at all important. Discriminate and ask God for Devotion (Bhakthi) and Spiritual Wisdom (Jnana).
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

RE: Spirtual Thoughts

3rd May 2013
So long as you have a trace of ego in you, you cannot see the Lord clearly. Ego is the curtain which even noble saints ask the Lord to remove from their minds. Egoism will be destroyed, if you constantly tell yourself, “Ït is He, not I”. “He is the force, I am but the instrument.” Keep His Name always on the tongue, contemplate His glory whenever you see or hear anything beautiful or grand; see in everyone the Lord Himself. Do not talk ill of others, see only good in them. Welcome every chance to help, console and to encourage others along the spiritual path. Be humble. Never become proud of your wealth, status, authority, learning or caste. Dedicate all your physical possessions, mental skills and intellectual attainments to the service of the Lord and His Glory.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

4th May 2013
I refuse to call any person a naasthika (an atheist). All beings exist as a result of His Will, in accordance with His Plan; no one is beyond His Grace. Everyone has Love towards someone or something and that Love is a spark of the Divine. Everyone has ultimately to base his life on some Truth; that Truth is God. No life can be lived out in complete defiance of Truth; one has to pay heed to Truth and speak the truth to someone in order to make life worth living. Now, that moment is God's moment and at that moment when one utters the truth or loves, or serves, the person is a theist. It is also the responsibility of all pious individuals to demonstrate in and through their lives that piety is not weakness but strength; that it opens up a vast spring of power and that a person with faith in God can overcome obstacles much more easily than one who has not.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

5th May 2013
Though you cannot see Rama or Krishna, you worship them because you believe in scriptures and elders have taught you so. But how is it that you are forgetting your parents, who are responsible for your progress in life? First and foremost, you should show gratitude to your parents, love them, and respect them. Your blood, your food, your head, and your money - all these are gifts of your parents. You do not receive these gifts directly from God. Young children understand the meanings of the word apple or dog only by seeing their pictures. Similarly, it is only after seeing the parents that one can understand the existence of God. All that is related to God is only indirect experience. It is only the parents whom you can see and whose love you can feel. So consider your parents as God. God will be pleased and will manifest before you only when you love and respect your parents.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

6th May 2013 Easwaramma Day
Respect your mother, obey her commands. Give her the utmost importance in human life. There may be a wicked son, but not a wicked mother. It is because of the noble feelings of the mothers that children become virtuous, intelligent, attain exalted positions and earn name and fame. The mother fosters you, nourishes you, knows your choices, preferences and fulfils all your needs. So, be grateful to your mother always. Mother protects and helps her children always, in many ways and even after her death. Never disrespect your mother or disappoint her or hurt her feelings. Try to satisfy her in all respects. Only then will the seed of devotion sprout in you. Everyone should follow the dictum, Mathru Devo bhava (Mother is God) in letter and spirit and receive their mother's love. Also never look down upon women. They are embodiments of Nature and most virtuous. With all the sacred feelings in your heart, respect women and be respected.
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