The show boasts an ensemble cast, including Riya Sharma as Tara, Ishaan Dhawan as Dhruv, Narayani Shashtri as Rani Kanupriya...
The company's EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization) also decreased by 27.5%.
The largest share of the DTH market belongs to Tata Sky (now called Tata Play), with 33.03% of the 65.58...
A year ago, during the same period, the company had reported a net profit of Rs 80.21 crore.
Stakeholders can submit written comments on the consultation paper by March 9th, 2023, and counter comments, by March 23rd, 2023.
This is the latest in a series of deferments from Disney Star regarding its upcoming launches and shutdowns, but an...
The company's total income also saw a decline of 8.4% to Rs 244.31 crore in the third quarter of the...
The show, produced by Inspire Films, will make its debut on February 13th and will air from 9:00 PM to...