The 72-year-old seasoned professional, who has made remarkable contributions to the UK media landscape, emerged as the government's preferred candidate...
The 2024 MotoGP season promises to be exhilarating, with a 21-race calendar set to kick off with the QatarGP on...
With this surprise addition, Tata Play now holds a total of 105 HD channels, the highest among the competition.
With a diverse lineup of anime shows, the channel aims to bring the best of anime to Indian audiences, all...
Presently, Tata Sons holds a majority stake of 50.2 percent in Tata Play, while Walt Disney holds around 30 percent...
With these additions, Airtel Digital TV now encompasses a total of 93 HD channels along with 544 SD channels raising...
The affected MSOs may file an appeal with the Secretary (Information and Broadcasting) within 30 days of the issuance of...
The total income of the company witnessed a healthy growth of 7.5%, reaching Rs 1059 crore, while operating revenue showed...